Sudhan Herbal Pharmacy

Sudhan Herbal | Cough Syrup

Cough syrup - helps to manage Kasha , Swash , Cough and Cold .
Mulethi - Chewing on mulethi sticks is an old age remedy for sore throat . Its expectorant and bronchodilator properties helps with condition like Whooping cough , Dry cough and Bronchitis .
Tulsi - is a natural immunity booster
* Reduces cold and cough - camphene , cineole and eugenol present in tulsi help reduce cold and congestion in chest .
* Reduces stress and fatigue
* Kali mirch ( Black pepper)- Expectorates and help reduce symptoms associated Cough , Cold and Congestion .
* Adrak ( Ginger ) - Ginger gives relief from Cold and Cough as it has anti-inflammatory properties.
* Kanthkari - helps to release Mucus from respiratory passage and prevent Asthmatic attack .
* Honey - reduces night Coughing and improve sleep .
* Aama Haldi - It has anti - inflammatory properties and used for respiratory problems .

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